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“So this is what I’ve been riding the past six months”

Thank you for all the questions and  comments on the ‘hoverboard’ which features in our vlogs. Well, today you get to meet the beast in all its glory. This is the Onewheel Plus – Made in California this incredible piece of engineering packs a punch bigger than you might expect. The numbers are impressive, but what impressed me was the build quality of the board. The machined aluminium rails, the hardwood deck and the slick app that connects to your board – everything, down to the smallest detail, has a sure stamp of Future Motion quality on it.

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The Onewheel is unique in both design and ride. The electric motor is built into the hub and provides incredible torque without generating any apparent heat. The power source consists of 2 battery packs underneath the deck. The board has an intelligent controller which is able to keep the board level while reacting to your movements as you ride. Lean forward and you will accelerate into that direction. Lean back and it will stop. Its that simple.

8-11km Range

I weigh around 90kgs and the Onewheel Plus gives me around 8km of range on tar roads and around 6km on mountain bike trails. The new XR will probably do more than double that.

25min Charging Time

My personal experience has been very positive – I know some customers complain that it takes too long, but mine takes 25-30 minutes to charge from 0%. So now I just leave it plugged in all the time.


I get asked a lot where my favourite places are to ride and the beach is surely up there with the best! Of course this would not be possible if the Onewheel wasn’t waterproof – it also makes cleaning the board after a heavy trail session supereasy.

The App

Control your ride style with different presets that change the way the board reacts to your movements. Connect to a global community and compare stats. Check speed, battery status, mileage, regeneration and errors all from you phone. Apple and Android supported.

Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers

How much does it cost ?

$1600 is what I paid for it end 2017. Now (mid 2018), the price is already down to $1300 – and you can claim an extra $100 dollars off  if you wait for one of many frequent special offers. The price drop happened since the release of the XR version, which retails at $1600 now. That being said, I reckon this will be an ongoing trend with newer (better) versions pushing the market down and making it more affordable in the future.

Onewheel Plus vs XR ?

If you can afford the XR – get it! If you have a tighter budget or have a good deal for a Plus on the table – get it! You simply can not go wrong with either, even though the XR will get you rolling for more than twice as long between charges, the ride quality is similar – and that for me seals the deal.

How difficult is the ride ?

First comment from everyone I have helped get up and riding: “Wow! Its actually not that hard!” followed by them (just like me) getting cocky and ending up with a fat roasty as the tire burns away a piece of their ankle. If you have board-riding experience you will ace this and immediately feel comfortable. The main difference between riding the Onewheel compared to surfing or snowboarding is the shift of your weight from your back foot to the front. Which makes wearing a helmet a no-brainer.

What is your max speed ?

I have tried to go faster, but have come short a few times. So currently my top speed is only 34km/h. I find a comfortable cruising speed around 20-26km/h. The fastest recorded speed is around 43km/h according to the online community app. So yes, this thing can move and demands respect.

Can I go offroad ?

Yes! and OMG Yes! The first time I tried going down a single track I didn’t get further than the first berm. But now, with a couple hundred kilometres of riding behind me, it is the best part of owning a Onewheel.

How do I get it into South Africa ?

Shipping is included when you buy your Onewheel, however, import taxes apply. Shipping took a total of 7 days including clearance through customs.

Which accessories should I get ?

Well, I figured it would be hard to place another order etc etc. and ended up with all the extras. The reality is that the only extra I use all the time is the completely overpriced stand. But, I will add that the stand does keep the peace around the house, since the Onewheel now has a place of its own.

Can I change the tyres ?

Absolutely! I personally am not interested in modifying my board in any way, but if you want to really see what some black hat enthusiasts are doing, join the facebook group ‘onewheelriders’. Fully modified in every way, from custom spray jobs and battery upgrades to different tyre options.


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